For passenger, freight or material lifts, we fabricate each gate individually to your specifications. Construction and materials are of the highest quality. You choose from a wide variety of attractive finishes and colors to ensure the perfect aesthetic fit. And if you're in a pinch or have an elevator that's shut down, we can ship out our standard finish gates within 48 hours.Quality is the hallmark of our company, in order to maintain quality standards we are engaged in offering a large array of Elevator Collapsible Gate. This product is provided by us as per the needs of customers and known for its versatility. The product we offer to the customers is highly demanded in the market for its usage in elevators of commercial complex and many more places. Moreover, customers can avail product from us as per industry standards.
Being the market leader of this domain, we understand our responsibility and strive hard to deliver only high MS Telescopic Manual Door. This door is highly durable and sturdy in design therefore commonly installed in the lifts of commercial & residential buildings. Manufactured with the help of best in class mild steel & other allied material, this door is also properly check by our quality controllers against numerous parameters. We also provide the customized solution and installation service of this door at nominal rates.
We offer Imperforate Elevator Door made from high quality raw material and checked for safety. Our manually operated imperforate doors are strong and durable and can be customized to suit your specific requirements. These imperforate elevator doors are made as per quality & safety specifications of the bureau of industrial standards. We are a prominent manufacturer, exporter & supplier of imperforate elevator doors from Kolkata, India.
Our organization has gained years of experience and our expertise in offering MS Auto Doors to our clients. These MS Auto Doors are developed from excellent quality stainless steel which we have sourced from our genuine vendors. These MS Auto Doors are based on automation technology and are able to give reliable performance for years. Our offered range of these MS Auto Doors can be installed quite easily.
We supply a wide range of Auto Door Elevators, which is made of high grade raw material. It has capacity to carry 4 to 20 person in one go. These Automatic Door Elevators have auto doors that enhance their longer life and trouble free performance. We offer installation and maintenance service for our products.
These products are designed in accordance with the clients' requirements making use of premier-grade raw material. These products are highly acclaimed by the clients for their excellent performance, quality, strength and low maintenance.
We are instrumental in providing our clients with a wide range of Auto Centre Open Glass Doors, which is widely acclaimed for its superior functionality. In order to ensure that the clients are satisfied with the quality of our range, we procure these doors from reliable vendors of the market.
In the commercial workplace, having a dumbwaiter is a necessity, not a luxury. Commercial Dumbwaiters provide the most useful, elegant and convenient way to move heavy and delicate items up and down floors. Whether it is laundry, furniture, food items, boxes or any other kind of material, you can effortlessly transport it to different floors. Dumbwaiters save time, provide safety to items transported and look stylish.
Elevator Service Company can customized your Commercial Dumbwaiter to suit large and small spaces. Made from heavy-duty steel, they provide the same excellent service for years. With a Commercial Dumbwaiter, you feel the luxury of transporting materials with a push of a button.
Car elevators are engineered for lower average speeds & heavy load capacity for tough everyday working conditions. This means that your vehicle elevator will last—and enhance your property—for the long haul.
Our car elevator prices are among some of the most cost-effective in the market today. We guarantee that we will work with you to customize your car elevator dimensions and size (for both commercial as well as residential buildings) to suit your project’s needs.
Safe, smooth and reliable elevator designed especially for hospitals, with a solid set of features for optimum performance in the highly demanding environment of patient transportation.
An extensive range of load capacities and car sizes to suit varying requirements of a modern hospital.
Elevator Service Company can provide your commercial space with the perfect accessibility solution, an Inclined Wheelchair Lift. With many options available, we can provide the perfect solution for those with medical issues or with difficulties climbing stairs. We can create a custom design for your place of business that will be suitable for indoor or outdoor use. And of course, safety is always our number one priority so you can be assured to have the most up to date safety features available in the industry.
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